Dr. Asif Yasin


Dr. Asif Yasin is working as a medical registrar in gastroenterology department in Walsall manor hospital. He is involved in ward round as well as clinic and seeing ward referrals.


Pancreatic cancer is the 10th most common cancer in the UK, accounting for 3% of all new cancer cases.

Pancreatic cancer is the 5th most common cause of cancer death in the UK, accounting for 6% of all cancer deaths.

Some of the challenges with Pancreatic cancer include it is often diagnosed at an advanced stage due to lack of good screening techniques to identify such cancers in their earliest stages.


We conducted a retrospective review of all patients presenting with hepatobiliary cancers at our center. We are non-pancreatic center and our nearest HPB unit is Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

There were 122 patients identified from Somerset with pancreatic or ampullary cancers between period of between 2017-2020.

Objectives were to review treatment pathway and review outcomes of these patients.


30 % (36/122) of patients not fit for chemotherapy/further intervention on presentation.

53% (15/28) of those considered to be potentially operable did not had surgery.

This was mainly due to rapid clinical deterioration after diagnosis.

Although outcome is still poor, some patients still benefit from chemotherapy.

6 months survival: 12% (no chemo) vs 60 % (chemo)

12 months survival: 5% (no chemo) vs 25% (chemo)

12 patients had surgery and one declined


The outcome of patients with pancreatic and ampullary cancer at Walsall Manor Hospital, a DGH was found to be comparable to the National statistics.

Although the overall survival is poor, emphasis on primary care centres to pick early signs and symptoms is of paramount importance.

With increasing trend of cancers like PSC related cholangiocarcinoma towards surgery, early detection is key to survival until tumour marker becomes available.

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